This has been glued from the inside. Internally the radio looks excellent.
This radio has copper leaf tuning for FM. For this reason the station stays in the same place between on and off cycles.
In the internal part of the chassis, all the old paper wax and electrolytic capacitors have been replaced by new components. Any defective mica and ceramic capacitors and out of tolerance resistors have also been replaced. The original location and arrangement of the wiring has been maintained. All wires in bad condition have also been replaced. This radio is completely suitable for daily use.
The pictures posted are from the receiver on sale. If you have any questions please let me know.
All the components in the cabinet were completely disassembled for an effective cleaning. The red felt grill cloth has been replaced.
In the front panel the lettering has been restored. The knobs have been cleaned.
Restoration was done in the summer of 2023, and is marked as such. A video of the process is being edited. The pointer dial has been electroplated, giving a shiny brass appearance. The original selenium rectifier was replaced with a 1N4007 diode and a60 ohm dropping resistor was added to bring the voltages in the chassis to Zenith operating specifications. All paper wax capacitors were replaced. The electrolytic capacitors have been replaced, one IF transformer has been replaced with are built IF transformer.Resistors out of tolerance have been replaced with new components. Switches, pots and electric wafers have been cleaned and lubricated. Vacuum tubes have been checked, one replaced. The tube base sockets have been cleaned. The dialing mechanism has been completely disassembled, cleaned and lubricated.
The tube layout label in the back of the receiver is original. It has a few scuffs showing its age. Size: 14 X 8 X 8 inches. I want you to be completely happy with this.