Zenith Tube Radio

ZENITH H723 AM FM radio Fully Restored. From 1951

ZENITH H723 AM FM radio Fully Restored. From 1951
ZENITH H723 AM FM radio Fully Restored. From 1951
ZENITH H723 AM FM radio Fully Restored. From 1951
ZENITH H723 AM FM radio Fully Restored. From 1951
ZENITH H723 AM FM radio Fully Restored. From 1951
ZENITH H723 AM FM radio Fully Restored. From 1951
ZENITH H723 AM FM radio Fully Restored. From 1951
ZENITH H723 AM FM radio Fully Restored. From 1951
ZENITH H723 AM FM radio Fully Restored. From 1951

ZENITH H723 AM FM radio Fully Restored. From 1951

Forsale this beautifully restored classic receiver from ZENITH, manufactured in 1951, with its attractive design. Yes, this is whatthey looked like when they were new!

Inthis set, the original Bakelite cabinet has been cleaned and polishedmaking its appearance like new. It has some minor cracks in theBakelite, as shown in the photos. Thisradio has copper leaf tuning for FM. For this reason the stationstays in the same place between on and off cycles. Inthe internal part of the chassis, all the old paper wax andelectrolytic capacitors have been replaced by new components. Anydefective mica and ceramic capacitors and out of tolerance resistorshave also been replaced. The original location and arrangement ofthe wiring has been maintained. All wires in bad condition have alsobeen replaced. Thisradio is completely suitable for daily use. Thepictures posted are from the receiver on sale. If you have anyquestions please let me know. Allthe components in the cabinet were completely disassembled for aneffective cleaning.

Thered felt grill cloth has been replaced. Inthe front panel the lettering has been restored. A red backing wasplaced behind the Zenith badge. Restorationwas done this summer, and is marked as such. Theoriginal selenium rectifier was replaced with a 1N4007 diode and a60 ohm dropping resistor was added to bring the voltages in thechassis to Zenith operating specifications.

Allpaper wax capacitors were replaced. One IF transformer has beenreplaced with a rebuilt IF transformer.

Resistorsout of tolerance have been replaced with new components. Switches, pots and electric wafers have been cleaned and lubricated. The tube base sockets havebeen cleaned. Thedialing mechanism has been completely disassembled, cleaned andlubricated. Thetube layout label in the back of the receiver is missing itscorners, but is original.

This originalplug was dangerous and has been replaced with a new one. Size: 14 X 8 X 8 inches. Iwant you to be completely happy with this.
ZENITH H723 AM FM radio Fully Restored. From 1951